Dear All,

The Catechesis Department in the newly raised Eparchy of Gurgaon awakens to a fresh dawn realizing an ever more urgency in and priority for the faith formation and work of evangelization while continuing from the footprints left behind by persons who aimed higher and thought bigger. The great legacy handed over to the Diocese from the great stalwart Berchmans Aachan is praiseworthy who was instrumental in the field of Catechesis, even to the extent of preparing a separate text book for ETRI. Rev. Fr.Verghese Valikodath worked tirelessly while being appointed as the Director of Catechism Department in animating the different Zones of erstwhile ETRI, into drawing up a fully fledged academic year, centralizing the examinations and its evaluation system and creating a data base of the students enrolled and staff engaged. Rev. Fr. Vinayanand Aachan’s contribution was a class apart whose very personality and life based on a strong character and sound oriental spirituality added flavor to the Department.

The new Diocese is a mission diocese and a missionary spirit permeates it. The mission has undoubtedly on one hand, given a new dimension to the identity and ecclesiology of the Syro- Malankara Catholic Church, yet on the other hand has placed an added responsibility of handing down the apostolic church’s oriental practice and belief in its entirety. The Catechesis Department of Gurgaon Diocese is called to undertake this adventurous journey of faith formation. It provides for an opportunity to bloom into new and unseen horizons while remaining firmly rooted in its historical and liturgical heritage. The challenging call is to influence the believing community and helping them articulate an authentic Oriental Catholic faith while at the same time willingly accepting to be influenced by the same.

A focused, determined and clear vision for an authentic and sound catechesis in the diocese will pave way for a socio-culturally textured evangelization in the geographical areas mandated to us. God has blessed us abundantly and our Patron and Father Mar Ivanios continues to pray for us. We can no longer remain confined. Let us all join hands in the proclamation of the great revelation.

-Rev. Fr. Mathew (Jigmy) Koodaparambil (FORMER DIRECTOR, Dept. of Catechesis)

Thursday 29 December 2016


The Gospel according to St. Luke says about the parable of the fig tree told by Jesus.
And he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. And he said to the vine dresser, ‘Look, for three years now I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and I find none. Cut it down. Why should it use up the ground?’  And he answered him, ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and put on manure. Then if it should bear fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down.’” (Lk. 13:6-9)
A vineyard is a plantation of grape-bearing vines only. But in this parable, we see that a fig tree is located among the grape vines, in the centre of the vineyard. The important inputs like manure, even the surrounding environment, were meant for the vine. But a part of these inputs went to the fig tree as well. We all are like the fig tree, surrounded by good people, people who love us and care for us, those who help us in our growth. There are so many of them- our parents, brothers and sisters, teachers, friends, and the list goes on. Whatever they earn, a part of it is for our own benefit. However, we tend to ignore their contributions. After a certain age, pride takes over, and we claim that we grew using our own talents. These assertions are absolutely baseless. Living in a society, there are always people, no matter how small, who support us in our growth according to the best of their abilities- the servant/maid who cleans our homes, the person who collects wastes, the person who delivers newspapers at our doorsteps, the autowalas to whom we waive our hand and request him to and trust him that he would take us to our destination safely. We should never forget these people and always be thankful to them, and to the society.
There were people much talented than us who are no more among us. But we have been provided with another year, just like the fig tree. What can I, as an individual, give back to the society that has nurtured me so well? If I have been fruitless, how can I bear fruits in 2017 so that the society may benefit from me? There are four important relations in life.
The first one is with God. Our parents didn't ask for our permissions before giving us birth, did they? We are born into this world for a purpose, for a reason. In this gruelling journey of life, we will always, at every step, need the grace of God. The grace of God is 'to find favour in the eyes of God.' And when we find favour in His eyes, all we need to do is 'ask, and He would give all the nations' (Psalm 2:8). Never forget to pray to Him. Recite the daily prayers given to us by our Church fathers. Always follow the Ten Commandments. Love, peace, joy, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are the fruits given to us by God. As we run the “race marked out for us,” we need to lay aside the entangling sin and worldly distractions, “fixing our eyes on Jesus” (Hebrews 12:12). He is our life.
Second relation is with other human beings. When we get angry at someone, we shout. We shout because the distance between our hearts increase and in order to make them hear our voice, we have to raise our voice. Never allow the distance between the hearts to increase. A good remedy is to have a good sense of humour. This can be achieved only through practice. We should not allow our instincts to take control of our actions. Reason out things. If parents or teachers scold you, try to understand the reason behind their scolding. It will always be for your own good. So then be happy, because they love you and care for you. Appreciate the good in others. Be humble. Never hesitate to say sorry if it is your fault. Your image will never be tainted if you admit a mistake.
Third relation is with nature. Our environment is very crucial for our development. Save electricity and water. Turn off the lights, fans and the tap when not in use. Do not waste food. There are over millions of people in the world without access to water and are malnourished. Plant a tree. If not a tree, then at least a creeper like money-plant in a bottle in your balconies. Help in saving the environment and sustaining it.
Fourth relation is with ourselves. Love yourself. Never pay heed to the negative comments of some people. Everyone has his/her own perspective of looking good. Every morning when you get up, thank God for another day, look at the mirror, say not with pride but with a smile,"How beautiful I am." Take care of your health. Avoid junk foods and drinks, tobacco, alcohol. These are very hazardous. Study well, take up good habits like reading.

May the coming year 2017 be a time period of improvements over the past mistakes. Have a blessed new year! May God bless you all, fulfill the desires of your hearts, and make all your plans succeed.

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